Neuropathy that extends into the feet is a big problem, costing millions of dollars.  People can’t feel their feet, and they step on a tack, or a nail, or they develop a wound in the feet.  This wound gets infected and needs wound care for proper healing.  In the worst case, they need an amputation due to infection.

At Eagle Rock Physical Therapy we understand the problems that can come from neuropathy in the feet.  In many cases it is not true neuropathy, but a nerve impingement of the sciatic nerve, posterior tibial nerve, or the plantar nerve (medial or lateral) that is causing the neuropathy.  The “neuropathy” also might be caused by vascular restrictions – with are limitations of blood vessels throughout the body.  In the case of the feet the vessels being impinged might be the illiac or femoral artery.  If these nerve are restricted then the feet might always be cold or might be painful due to the nerve pain.

We have taken many continuing education classes where we have learned how to find where these nerves and vessels might be restricted, or pinched, and how to induce movement through gentle glides and mobilizations to restore the health and viability of the nerve.  Many times a doctor will just say, “its diabetic neuropathy, just live with it.”  Here at Eagle Rock we don’t want you to just “live with it” but we want to work with you to heal from it.  The nerves are delicate and wonderful structures that provide strength, sensation, and movement.  Each nerve is surrounded by a blood vessel, so if that vessel is restricted, or pinched in an anyway, the nerve can have limited blood supply and that would limit both the healing and the sensation to that nerve.  So we try, ever so delicately, to help these ailing nerves regain their blood supply, their movement, and their viability, so that sensation and strength might return, thus offering us, as humans, to continue to live an enjoyable and rewarding life without nerve pain.

Get out of pain in the feet, increase the sensation the feet – give us a call at 208-522-7672 or fill out the form below and we would love to help you.

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